Authentic Evolution™ LIVE
It’s time to live life on YOUR terms.
Starts April 15th
How much resilience and confidence do we have to build a new culture?
That depends largely on giving ourselves permission to be who we actually are.
Do we understand that who we’ve been told to be isn’t working? Are we ready to evolve authentically? Do we know how to? There is so much to let go.
My work to this point has been based on reuniting with Eros, life force, our deepest core essence and truth.
Now we have to go a layer deeper.
Elemental and crucial skills for how to stay fortified in our truth even in the face of society telling us we are bad/wrong/not enough in who we truly are.
We must gain confidence to move forward to build a world we want to belong to.
If we are addicted to people-pleasing, not speaking up, or being a chameleon, feeling empowered to be authentic, vulnerable, and who we truly are requires a new set of skills and way of being.
Staying in tune with your life force, your “yes”, your truth is built on a foundation of SELF-ACCEPTANCE + BELONGINGNESS. We have to learn to love who we truly are, shadows and all, and feel like we belong in order to thrive and to create a world worth living in.
In Authentic Evolution™ LIVE, you will be guided to reunite with your deepest authenticity and true identity.
It’s a resurrection of who you were born to become.
After this course, you won’t have to second guess yourself, worry about how you might be judged, or people-please out of fear any more. You will be more YOU!
The only person who knows what is true and right for you, is YOU.
You’ve likely never been held and guided in an open way that allows you to hear and discover your deepest truths about relationships, life, money, career, identity, gender, self-expression, etc.
The amount of conditioning and not being yourself that you carry coming into this experience will be directly proportional to how much you’ve lost touch with your truth.
And we will be going through this reconciliation together. Togetherness and belonging - this is the magic of the LIVE experience.
Ironically, a deep sense of belonging and collective energy is essential to individuation, feeling empowered in your unique identity. Authentic Evolution LIVE will provide this for you. We need each other.
Who Is This Class For?
Adults who know there is more to life and want to receive it
Recovering Catholics and folx from other strict religious indoctrinations who want to let go of the guilt, shame, and repression inhibiting them
Gender-questioning or gender-nonconforming folx of all identities who are ready for deeper self-love and self-acceptance
Recovering people pleasers who are ready to stop
Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families who want to function better
Adults who feel like they could be adulting better
People who feel lost - in their life, identity, purpose, relationships, etc.
Anyone who feels defeated or bored with life and needs an infusion of encouragement and community
Self-development addicts who want to get off the hamster wheel
In This Class You Will Learn:
How to break free of the “shoulds” that aren’t true or right for you
To distinguish your own inner voice from all the judgy, critical voices in your head
How to accurately read the signals your body is giving you, so that you can make decisions and create a life that actually matters to you
Identify when you are people-pleasing or being a chameleon and not your authentic self
To be able to hear and source wisdom in your body from your body
How to resurrect your deepest beliefs and truths, so that you can emerge from this crisis as your most authentic self
Identify when you are betraying your own truth, so that you can stop and be in integrity with yourself
How to stop outsourcing your power and permission and instead reclaim and embody them for yourself, so that you can communicate from your depths and be heard
Course Format:
Free Class Replay: Eff Fitting In!
A Note On Refunds: Transparency is a core value of the Unabashed Badassery™ community, we put a lot of effort into an accurate representation of the course experience. We are happy to answer your questions in advance. Please make sure you are in alignment with enrolling before you do so. We do not offer refunds. Thank you for understanding.
Meet Your Host: Monica Jayne 🦄
Monica Jayne is a Certified Erotic Blueprint™, Accelerated Evolution, and Queer Competency Coach, an Authentic Relating Facilitator, and Yoga Teacher. She is the founder of Authentic Evolution™, the antidote to free yourself from suffocating modern-day conditioning and “norms” of Society, Culture, Religion, and Family.
As a recovering Catholic, adult child of an alcoholic and dysfunctional family, and survivor of the grind of pursuing the “American Dream”, she has recovered her authentic self and is ready to guide you to do the same!
Meet Your Host: Monica Jayne 🦄
Monica Jayne is a Certified Erotic Blueprint™, Accelerated Evolution, and Queer Competency Coach, an Authentic Relating Facilitator, and Yoga Teacher. She is the founder of Authentic Evolution™, the antidote to free yourself from suffocating modern-day conditioning and “norms” of Society, Culture, Religion, and Family.
As a recovering Catholic, adult child of an alcoholic and dysfunctional family, and survivor of the grind of pursuing the “American Dream”, she has recovered her authentic self and is ready to guide you to do the same!
Copyright 2020 Monica Jayne